Fire protection in high-bay facilities


What needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to fire protection for high-rack storage facilities? What requirements are involved when planning and realising this type of fire protection concept? This new professional seminar in our “FeuerTRUTZ im Dialog” (Fire defence in dialogue) event series provides solutions and answers on the subject of fire protection in high-bay facilities; it will be held on June 21, 2016, in Langenhagen (Maritim Airport Hotel Hanover). General contractors, operators, insurers and fire protection systems engineers will be reporting on their experiences in practice, and giving a variety of perspectives as regards guidelines and recommendations.

The highlight: On the day before (June 20, 2016, from 3 pm onward), interested participants will have the opportunity to experience active fire prevention live and up close. These demonstration fire experiments will be held in WAGNER’s training centre. Participants will also hear a keynote presentation by attorney Jörg Mayr, “New developments in building contract law,” before enjoying dinner together in the MARITIM Airport Hotel. Area Manager Markus Kock’s presentation on June 21 will explain how fire protection technology is assessed according to VDI Directive 3564. Sprinklers and CO2 gas extinguishing technology have been used in high-bay warehouses for decades, but now more and more of them are protected by oxygen reduction systems. The presentation will discuss the physical and technical principles behind this active fire prevention technology as well as the applicable directives, and will also show how the technology is used in practice.

The seminar programme includes presentations and discussion groups led by independent experts on fire protection concepts for industrial storage facilities. Topics will include a variety of guidelines and recommendations, such as the latest revisions to the Industrial Building Directive or recommendations on fire prevention in high-rack storage facilities. Experts will discuss recent trends in packaging logistics and give advice on what to consider when doing risk assessments for organisational fire protection. The closing discussion session will give seminar participants the opportunity to ask questions or bring up their own company projects.

The “FeuerTRUTZ im Dialog” event series focuses on current issues that affect different participants in the preventative fire protection market, in order to open up dialogue among participants, presenters and manufacturers.